Sunday, February 23, 2014

A Successful Blogger Never Stops Blogging For Success

Never stop blogging for success.  To be a successful blogger you must be consistent with your writing.  To be a Successful blogger you must continuously write and post great content.
To be a successful blogger you must find something that is so strong in your heart that you want to write about.  In the beginning no one who starts out blogging does perfect or makes a ton of money in the very beginning.
It took me two years of continuous blogging before I really started to make enough money with Google AdSense to say "wow"  this really does work.  Yes, blogging does work and signing up for Google AdSense is a great way to add extra income and also write about thing you are knowledgeable in and love to write about.
My very first blogs when I started blogging were about dating after divorce.  It was miserable and I hated it.  I did love telling my story and blogging was kind of like therapy for me.
I never started out intending to make money with Google AdSense.  I just started blogging about what I really loved and how I really felt and then I added the Google AdSense thinking how could it not help.  I was very surprised at how easy it was to sign up for Google AdSense and making a few extra dollars while I was writing about what I love.
A blogger blogging for success must never forget why he started blogging in the first place.  Never give up on blogging.  Also, be sure you sign up for Google AdSense and make a few extra dollars writing about the things you really love.
Blogging is fun. Blogging brings many great rewards and challenges into your life. To be a great blogger and succeed at blogging failure is not an option. You must never give up blogging.  There are many influential bloggers you can follow who are successful at what they do.  Learn how to blog from them and you will be on your way to a life of many blogging rewards.
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Saturday, February 15, 2014

Irritated By Animal Ignorance Today Over The Killing Of Marius

Irritated by animal ignorance today.
Nothing can get me pissed, give me anxiety or give me irritation more than reading about senseless dumb humans killing innocent animals for pleasure or just because they can.
I can be completely calm and thinking clearly and straight and then I see or hear about an innocent animal being killed or slaughtered and I get set off like a mad bomb. I just don't understand the point behind killing innocent animals for pleasure.
As far as I am concerned any human who purposely hurts or kills animals is just a piece of shit scum bag and deserves any anger or retaliation animal lovers give them.
How is it people are so divided on animal abuse and animal welfare? Why would someone think it is ok to kill an animal for fun?
Killing or abusing animals is just wrong.  How can people not see this?  Why is it the human thinks he is above and beyond any other living creature on this planet? Why is it the human thinks animals should have no animals rights?
I just read where another zoo wants to kill a giraffe like the young giraffe Marius was killed at Copenhagen zoo. How can killing a young giraffe like Marius at the Copenhagen zoo be justified? Do these people realize the anger they caused by killing the young giraffe Marius at the Copenhagen zoo? It really hurt my heart but more importantly is the Copenhagen zoo killed Marius the giraffe when there were people who wanted to save him from death.
Will animals ever really have solid animals rights in this world?
The Copenhagen zoo is getting backlash over the killing of Marius the giraffe, as well they should. Trying to justify why they killed Marius the Giraffe instead of letting him live somewhere else will never be justified except by the killer and killers who killed him.
Also, WTF were the parents thinking that let their children watch this slaughter of Marius the giraffe at the Copenhagen zoo? They have to be crappy ignorant inbred dumb asses to think it is ok to let a child see a young animal slaughtered and then cut up. What ever happened to teaching children love and about good animal welfare and not slaughtering and killing animals just because they can?
I have so many questions about animal welfare and animal rights right now I can't even think straight.  I am pissed off that Marius the giraffe was killed in the first place and even more pissed people actually watched it happen with children present.  Killing animals is not ok. What the Copenhagen zoo did is not ok.
The people who care and understand animals and the beauty they have on this planet earth must keep fighting for animal rights. Animals depend on those of us who have a voice against animal abuse and are not afraid to use our voice.  Animal abuse is wrong. Animals deserve to be on this planet, and not just to serve F*cked up mankind's morbid mental illness.
I will never understand animal abuse by humans and the need for the human to kill everything and anything they can get their hands on.

Monday, February 10, 2014

You Are Not Educated Enough To Tell Me About PETA's True Intentions

PETA logo
PETA logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
 It always amazes me that ignorant people who really don't know anything about animal abuse and suffering try to tell me that PETA is bad and they kill animals.

A few years back when people said stuff negatively about PETA it would upset me and I am pretty sure those exact people got a kick out of watching me get mad.

Now if someone says something to me negatively about PETA I just look at them and smile. The reason I smile, I at that moment realize how ignorant and uneducated that person is.

There is not one single thing any person could tell me about PETA that would change my mind about them or stop supporting them.  In fact it just makes me support them more.

I had a young girl respond to one of my post regarding PETA and she basically told me they kill animals and I should really check into them.  I just laughed and I did respond to this girl.
Here is my response to her:

Tina Wilson
I appreciate and highly respect your right to your opinion. I will not argue or tell you that you are wrong. But, you need more education on what animals are euthanized by PETA and then you might be able to come to a clearer conclusion. If your reading the news stories without being a member of PETA or knowing the true facts you are not educated enough to tell someone like me who fights for ALL animals rights to a life free of pain and abuse.
If you are in a position to save these animals that are euthanized by PETA then you should step up and do it. These are animals with a lot of pain, heartbreak, loneliness and no one wants them.
A peaceful death is better than dying a horrible death of abuse, loneliness and pain. I would euthanize every single one of my animals before I would let them suffer. I also would not EVER send one of my horses to an auction. They would be euthanized by a veterinarian and peacefully go to sleep.
Thank you for posting,
A PETA member for 22 years now............No animal deserves to suffer

My goal in life is to make a difference in the life of animals.  Even if I am only able to save a single animal or help hundreds of animals I know this is the meaning of the rest of my life and what I will be doing until I no longer am alive on this earth. My heart is broken every time an animal suffers pain for no reason.

I do not hate people but there are many I do not like. I also do not agree with how animals are treated cruelly by the human race and how the human race thinks they are so much more superior than the other living breathing creatures on this earth.

PETA will always have my support no matter what. I am also not afraid to lose friends over my beliefs and I have had many people leave my life or unfriend me on Facebook due to my love for not killing animals, not eating meat and not agreeing that killing wolves or removing our wild horses and sending them to slaughter is ok.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
501 Front St., Norfolk, VA 23510 | 757-622-PETA (7382) | 757-622-0457 (fax)
PETA is a nonprofit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) corporation.


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The Brighter Brain Child

I was once told a child's brain is like a sponge that absorbs everything. To have a child with the brighter brain that child needs to read, learn, listen and feel everything that goes on around him or her. That child needs to be taught to be the brighter brain.
Many children are not born with brighter brains.  Their parents teach them and read to them knowing that every little bit of knowledge that is put in their child's brain will make their child have the brighter brain that is needed to grow and thrive into a successful bright adult.
In order to get through life the brighter brain is needed. Children are taught everything they know. Yes, some are born with more gifted intelligence than others but every child has a chance at having the brighter brain when he or she grows up.
I read to my daughter while she was in my stomach and I also always read to her once she was born. My daughters brain is definitely brighter from kindergarten to first grade. In fact my daughters teacher told her father and I that if we just read to her 20 minutes every night that it would add up to over a hundred hours of reading. I wanted my child to have the brighter brain.
I want my child to be brighter than any other child in her class.  I want my child to succeed in this unforgiving world.  The only way my child will succeed is to have the brightest brain possible.
From kindergarten to first grade my child went from barely reading and writing to being able to read a whole book and write in cursive clearly. My child's brain was definitely brighter from the advice her teacher gave her father and I. I want my child to have the brighter brain.  I want my child to have the brightest brain in the whole entire world.
Read read read to your child. Fill your child's bright little brain with all of the knowledge it can absorb. You will see how your child will flourish and in the end your child will have The Brighter Brain.

The Brighter Brain And Stalkers

Women who do not see the signs of a man who is going to be a stalker and give her unwanted attention or obsession do not have very bright brains. A woman should always strive to have the brighter brain in a relationship with a man.
If the woman does not strive to have the brighter brain in a relationship with a man she is only causing herself future grief and heartache. Being the brighter brain in any man woman relationship is a necessity for power and dominance of the female species.
Men who stalk women obsessively are psychotic and mentally sick in the head. These men are seeking dominance over the woman. Women who realize a man has the potential to stalk her and do not get rid of him right away are blind and ignorant. The women do not have the brighter brain and therefore will not be the brighter brain in the relationship.
Striving to have the brighter brain is not always easy.  Sometimes in life we do stupid things as women. When a woman knows a man is in love with her, stalking her, obsessed with her and she has no desire to be with him long-term but still sees him and lets him be a part of her life she does not have the brighter brain. In fact she has no brains at all. One might even consider her having brain injury due to the fact she subconsciously knows this man is a psychotic love obsessed stalker but does nothing about it.

Coffee Cigarettes Migraines

How to have the brighter brain in the middle of a migraine is almost impossible.
When my head is hurting and ready to explode the farthest thing on my mind is how smart I am.  In fact I am pretty much thinking how stupid I am for having the migraine in the first place. That is of course if I can concentrate long enough to think about how stupid I am for getting the migraine in the first place.
There are many things that will trigger a migraine but unless you know what triggers the migraine it is hard to correct the problem. I am slowly ruling out different things that trigger my migraines and I am coming to the conclusion that coffee smell and cigarette smoke smell are definitely some of the culprits.
I tried everything to get rid of my migraine. Nothing worked for three days.  I was vomiting, blind, nauseated and could hardly stand up without my head feeling like it was going to explode.
I love to gamble but every time I go into a smoke-filled casino I leave with a headache that turns into a migraine.
I hate coffee but most of the people around me drink that foul-smelling black tar.
Where I work they are always making fresh coffee.  Fresh coffee is a death sentence to my head.
I spent three days over 4th of July weekend with a migraine and finally on Sunday I got it to go away.  I have been feeling good. But, when I went to work yesterday someone was making fresh coffee while I was on my break and I took one whiff of that coffee smell and immediately my head started to hurt.
I got up and went outside to get some fresh air and along the way I grabbed some Tylenol and a coke to drink.  My headache stopped once I got outside.
If I would not have gone outside I am sure I would have had another migraine from hell.  The smells of coffee and cigarettes are just horrid to my tender body.  In fact I do not let anyone make coffee in my house nor do I let them smoke.
Learning what is causing my migraines is my goal right now and I am figuring out that coffee and cigarette smells definitely trigger headaches that turn into painful migraines.

Never Stop Blogging For Success

Never stop blogging for success.  To be successful at blogging you must never give up writing.  Writing something is better than not writing anything at all.
In order to make money blogging with google AdSense you must come up with good strong content.  Content is king in the leadership of blogging.
To be successful with google AdSense you must write stories that people want to continuously read.  Finding your unique niche is what is important to be a successful blogger.
Everyone has something they know or do that others would like to know about or hear. This is what makes a successful blogger.
When I first started blogging I was writing about my life dating after divorce. After I went back and read what I wrote I realize how pathetic I sounded.  It really did not matter that I sounded pathetic.  Other people liked reading my pathetic stories about dating.
After a few months of writing I signed up for google AdSense because I decided if I was going to write about my crappy dating life after divorce I might as well make some money doing it.
I never thought I would make a cent but my very first month I made over seven dollars.  It was not much but I knew that if I just kept writing eventually with the google AdSense I would keep making more and more money.
I eventually started to expand my blogging and started writing about the things I was most passionate about.  I kind of gave up writing about the dating blog I had originally started but I never closed it down and I left all my lousy writings up.  Every time I went back and read what I wrote I wanted to drown myself in a mud puddle.  I was very embarrassed about what I had written.  I just looked the other way since others were interested in my misery I was writing about.
In fact I even had guys emailing me to keep writing about my dating experiences because they were so bad. I was writing anonymously at the time because I was so embarrassed about what I was writing. But, I was still making money every month with google AdSense so I left the blog up and to this day it is still up.
In order to be successful you must keep writing and blogging.  You can never give up.  Blogging is not a get rich scheme and I have been blogging for over 2 years now.  Every month I see my success grow and grow more and more.  At this point I will never give up and I will only keep writing more unique stories that people will want to read.Youmustkeep blogging
Blogging for money and success is possible.  Making money with google AdSense is possible. The only possible way to make money and be successful is never give up.  It will take many months to get an audience and get your content out there to be read but it is possible.
I am living proof that money can be made with blogging and joining google AdSense.
Keep blogging and never give up.  Failure is not an option to be successful at blogging.  Neither is procrastination.  Just write write write until you heart is content and your story is told.
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Blogging For Success

Never stop blogging for success.  To be successful at blogging you must never give up writing.  Writing something is better than not writing anything at all.
In order to make money blogging with google AdSense you must come up with good strong content.  Content is king in the leadership of blogging.
To be successful with google AdSense you must write stories that people want to continuously read.  Finding your unique niche is what is important to be a successful blogger.
Everyone has something they know or do that others would like to know about or hear. This is what makes a successful blogger.
When I first started blogging I was writing about my life dating after divorce. After I went back and read what I wrote I realize how pathetic I sounded.  It really did not matter that I sounded pathetic.  Other people liked reading my pathetic stories about dating.
After a few months of writing I signed up for google AdSense because I decided if I was going to write about my crappy dating life after divorce I might as well make some money doing it.
I never thought I would make a cent but my very first month I made over seven dollars.  It was not much but I knew that if I just kept writing eventually with the google AdSense I would keep making more and more money.
I eventually started to expand my blogging and started writing about the things I was most passionate about.  I kind of gave up writing about the dating blog I had originally started but I never closed it down and I left all my lousy writings up.  Every time I went back and read what I wrote I wanted to drown myself in a mud puddle.  I was very embarrassed about what I had written.  I just looked the other way since others were interested in my misery I was writing about.
In fact I even had guys emailing me to keep writing about my dating experiences because they were so bad. I was writing anonymously at the time because I was so embarrassed about what I was writing. But, I was still making money every month with google AdSense so I left the blog up and to this day it is still up.
In order to be successful blogging you must keep writing and blogging.  You can never give up.  Blogging is not a get rich scheme and I have been blogging for over 2 years now.  Every month I see my success grow and grow more and more.  At this point I will never give up and I will only keep writing more unique stories that people will want to read.
Blogging for money and success is possible.  Making money with google AdSense is possible. The only possible way to make money and be successful is never give up.  It will take many months to get an audience and get your content out there to be read but it is possible.
I am living proof that money can be made with blogging and joining google AdSense.
Keep blogging and never give up.  Failure is not an option to be successful at blogging.  Neither is procrastination.  Just write until you heart is content and your story is told. Blogging for success can be a wonderful experience.
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To My Facebook Friends/Family

I am a leader not a follower. I am for all animal rights. I fight for all sentient beings to have a life free of torture, abuse and pain at the cruel hands of mankind. I am a vegetarian. I am opinionated and outspoken. I am not swayed by the ignorant nor the uneducated. I fight for all animal abuse, slaughter, hunting, torture, starvation and experimentation to stop, this is my mission and what I believe is the honorable and right thing to do for the sentient beings that have to share this world with the cruelness of mankind, that will never change. I speak for the voiceless and the innocent. Feel free to unfriend me if you disagree with my beliefs.1546403_601277646616910_375957391_n@TodaysAnimals
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Cayenne Pepper Vodka Aloe Vera Root Stimulator Does Make Your Hair Grow

Cayenne Pepper otherwise known as Capsicum can be made into an excellent root stimulator that does make your hair grow.
I decided I would take a picture of my hair and the little brand new baby roots sprouting up from using a cayenne pepper Vodka Aloe Vera root stimulator mixture.
The whole idea behind the cayenne pepper root stimulator mixture is to stimulate your constricted hair follicles. When your hair follicles are plugged up oxygen is not able to reach the root which stimulates blood flow to your scalp.
Cayenne pepper helps circulation and stimulating of blood flow to your plugged up hair roots. Cayenne pepper activates the blood vessels that feed the hair root.  Once the hair follicle is unplugged new hair follicles start to grow.
Cayenne pepper vodka aloe vera root stimulator helps improve circulation to your scalp which then helps the blood flow to your scalp. Once the hair follicles are stimulated blood starts flowing to the hair follicles through blood vessels that help free the clogged trapped root.
The way I look at it is if you have plugged pores on your face your face is going to get bumpy and look horrible.  Your face needs to be able to breathe.  Your pores on your face need to open up so all the dirt and gunk can get out of the blocked pores.
Your hair follicles are no different.  If you continually use shampoos or other cheap hair products that plug up your hair follicles the circulation to your hair follicles is very little and blood vessels and oxygen cannot reach the root where it is needed to stimulate the growth.

newrootsI took some pictures of my hair right after washing the Cayenne pepper Vodka Aloe vera hair mixture I made out.  My roots are not laying down.  My roots are all sticking up due to the stimulation they just received from the cayenne pepper root stimulator. My head feels healthy and fresh.

The pictures are not the best but if you look really closely you can see the little roots sprouting out of my head. I usually do not put the cayenne pepper vodka aloe vera root mixture that close to my forehead but in order for you to be able to see the little roots growing it has to be close. I think if you click on the picture it will enlarge it.
Cayenne pepper Vodka Aloe vera hair mixture does work to make your hair and especially your roots healthier and the healthier your hair is the more it grows.  I don't care what anyone says.  It works and I am living proof that it works.  My hair grows at least an inch a month.
I do not use expensive hair products except for good conditioner.  In fact I am going to write an article on my daily hair routine which leaves my hair happier, healthier, split end free, soft and shiny.
I have started to take pictures of when I use the cayenne pepper root stimulator mixture I make myself and my hair growth.  I am going to do this test for 4 months.  I just got my hair trimmed off two inches after it grew 4 inches in less than 4 months.
As my results progress I will post more pictures of my hair growing and my roots sprouting up.  It works no doubt about it.

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How I Use Cayenne Pepper For Hair Growth

Yes, It is a fact Cayenne Pepper does make your hair grow. I don't care who says Cayenne Pepper doesn't make your hair grow. Cayenne Pepper does make your hair grow from my personal experience!
I have been using cayenne pepper for hair growth and hair root stimulation for years now and I am a testimonial cayenne pepper does work to stimulate blood flow to your roots which helps your hair grow.
Cayenne pepper is made from ground up chili peppers. Ground cayenne pepper mixed with aloe vera, vodka or a light alcohol base and/or olive oil made into a hair tonic or a hair mask helps stimulate circulation and blood flow to the scalp.
Human hair does not always need expensive shampoos or chemicals to promote hair growth. In fact human hair growth can be manipulated by using other products that don't cost hundreds of dollars.
Thinning hair or baldness is caused by low circulation of blood to the hair root follicle. Cayenne pepper when applied to the scalp causes irritation. This irritation is actually what is good about the cayenne pepper. The irritation caused by the cayenne pepper increases the blood flow to the scalp. It is actually a good feeling irritation.
When I apply the cayenne pepper to my scalp it does not burn at first but the longer I leave it on the warmer it gets. I can feel the blood circulating to my head. I have also built up a tolerance to the cayenne pepper by continually using it on my scalp to stimulate the blood flow and circulation to my roots.ddd
Sometimes I will leave the cayenne pepper on for an hour and sometimes longer.  It just depends on how much time I have or how often I put the cayenne pepper mixture on my hair.
When it comes time to rinse the cayenne pepper mixture out I use baking soda mixed with water.  I never use shampoo on my hair. Shampoo makes my hair dry and brittle and my hair looks like old lady hair. It is so dry and feels awful when I use shampoo so I just do not use it at all ever.
After I rinse the cayenne pepper out of my hair my scalp continues to feel warm for a while and still has a little burning sensation. I then put a thick conditioner on my hair and massage it into my scalp and hair and leave it sit on my hair for 30 minutes to several hours.  It just depends on what I am doing and how much time I have.
After the initial hair conditioner is on my hair I rinse it out and apply another hair conditioner and leave it in my hair for 15 to 30 minutes.  I then take a shower and wash it out.
When taking a shower or rinsing the cayenne pepper out of my hair I always have the back of my head towards the shower head. Never let the conditioner which will still have traces of cayenne pepper run down your face.  It will burn if it gets in your eyes. It will also make your face feel warm like you just used some kind of acid peel.
I then towel dry my hair, put in whatever leave in conditioner I'm going to use for the day and style it. My hair is always healthier, looks and feels thicker and really shines.

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How I Apply Cayenne Pepper Aloe Vera Vodka Root Stimulator To My Hair

How I Apply Cayenne Pepper Aloe Vera Vodka Hair Root Stimulator Mixture To My Hair.
The first thing I do when preparing to do a Cayenne Pepper, Aloe Vera and Vodka root stimulator hair procedure is get my ingredients ready. I always keep a large container of the cayenne pepper root mixture in my fridge and I use a little container that I keep in my bathroom  for when I get ready to put the mixture on my hair.  It is just much easier working with a little jar than always trying to pour the cayenne mixture from a big container all the time.
I prepare the Gloves, the 60 ml Syringe, the wash cloth, the towel, the lanolin and the cayenne pepper, vodka and aloe vera mixture I will use.  I put all these ingredients on my bathroom counter so I have easy access to them when the time comes for each one to be used.
Step One: Get the syringe and cayenne pepper root stimulator mix ready.
Step two: Shake the cayenne pepper, vodka and aloe root stimulator mixture until it is completely mixed well and the mixture is consistent and even.
2Step three: Draw up the 60 ml syringe with about 25 to 30 ml of cayenne, vodka and aloe vera root stimulator mixture.  Be careful not to touch any of the cayenne pepper mixture or everything you touch from that point forward will have cayenne pepper on it and burn.
If you need more of the cayenne mixture because the 25 to 30 mls is not enough you can always fill the 60 ml syringe again.

Step four: Get a pair of plastic gloves.  You will want the plastic gloves to rub the cayenne, vodka and aloe vera root mixture into your roots really good and massage the mixture until it is completely even and covers all of the parts of your hair you want covered.
The gloves also protect your hands and fingers from burning when they touch the cayenne pepper.
Step five: Prepare your hair.  I do not usually wash my hair before applying the cayenne, vodka, aloe vera root stimulator to my hair.  It always works better for me if my natural hair oils are on my head before I apply the mixture.
I usually only brush my hair first before applying the root stimulator mixture.  It just so happened today that it snowed about 8 inches so I was wearing a snow hat all day so my hair was pretty messy when I applied the root mixtures.  It really doesn't matter to me how my hair is.  The whole point is to get the mixture down to my roots.  I'm not worried about it getting anyplace else on my head.
before cayenne1
This is what my hair looks like just before I get ready to put the cayenne pepper, aloe vera, vodka home made root stimulator on my head. My hair is clean it is just messy from wearing a hat all day. The whole point is to get the mixture down to your roots where the cayenne pepper mixture can stimulate the hair follicle and get the blood flowing to your roots.
This is the first step in my preparation before applying the cayenne pepper mixture to my roots and hair follicles.
Step six: Take the 60 ml syringe and start applying the cayenne pepper, aloe vera and vodka root stimulator to your scalp. Just squirt a little at a time all over in different spots. Be careful not to put a lot on at once in case it runs down your head or face.
Always have a towel handy just in case some drips down your head or your face.
Step seven: With your gloved hands evenly rub and distribute the cayenne pepper root stimulator hair mixture through your hair. You want to massage your roots at the same time.
At first it will be uneven and clumpy but as it distributes and spreads it will thin out.
Keep lightly massaging the cayenne pepper mixture through your hair until all the clumps are gone and you cannot see them anymore.
Step eight: With the cayenne pepper vodka aloe vera hair stiumulator on my head I put my hair up into a bun and wrap a towel around my neck just in case any starts to drip.
I then leave the mixture on my hair for 30 minutes or longer. Depends on how much time I have and how hot it gets.
My forehead usually gets a little red if I get any of the Cayenne pepper mixture on it.  I put lanolin on my forehead in case it runs down the front of my face.

I leave the cayenne pepper aloe vera vodka root mixture on my head. After about 10 minutes it starts warming and I can tell at this point it is starting to work. With the vodka in the mixture it slightly dries and eventually won't run down my face so I take the towel off from around my neck and I get a fresh dry wash cloth to keep with me just in case I do get some little drips.
Never touch or re use any towel, wash cloth or gloves you have previously used. Always start with fresh clean items. The cayenne pepper will stay on these items and if you get it in your eyes or mouth it will burn.
At this point I just leave the mixture on my head and wait it out. Once the mixture has been on my head for a while I rinse it out with baking soda and water. I then put a strong soothing conditioner on my head and leave it on for 30 minutes to several hours. Just depends on how much time I have.
This is how I use and apply cayenne pepper, aloe vera and vodka hair root stimulator on my hair to stimulate my roots to make my hair grow.
This is my personal way of using the cayenne pepper aloe vera vodka hair root stimulator. I learned this technique by repeatedly doing this root stimulation procedure myself.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Prolonged Eye Contact Stimulates The Brighter Brain

Prolonged Eye Contact Stimulates The Brighter Brain

It has been proven over and over that prolonged eye contact between a man and a woman signifies attraction between the two holding the prolonged eye contact.

The pupils of the two brighter brains enlarge as they stare into each others gazing eyes for longer than a few seconds.

In fact if a man and a woman hold prolonged eye contact for over 3 seconds or longer there is a good chance of some hot sexual attraction taking place between the man and the woman gazing into each others eyes.

It is not human nature to stare and gaze for prolong periods of time at another human unless there is some sort of attraction involved.

Attraction is a mystery to understand, and there is so much written information on attraction that a person could easily get confused.

Attraction is not a choice that people make intentionally towards another person.  Attraction either happens or it doesn't.  Attraction to another person cannot be forced.

No matter how much prolonged eye contact a man and a woman have exchanged if the feelings of attraction are not mutual between both of them a real relationship can go no further and it's only a game.

Almost all brighter brain women will NOT lock eyes with a guy they have no romantic attraction to. If a woman is willing to maintain prolonged eye contact with a guy it can be a pretty good sign that she is attracted sexually or romantically to him in some way.

Guys on the other hand will pretty much stare and make eye contact with as many women as possible whether he is romantically or sexually attracted to her at all.

Most guys don't have brighter brains and are just looking for a quick hook up or to get laid so they must stare and gaze at as many women as possible in order to find a woman they could possibly win over and score with.

Of course there are always a few brighter brain exceptions to the rule when it comes to men.
Men who have brighter brains and have sincere attraction to a woman will make prolonged eye contact with her unconsciously without even knowing he is doing it most of the time. This usually happens when the man is very much smitten with the woman and cannot help himself but gaze at her.

There Is No Excuse For Child Or Animal Abuse

No matter what the cause or what the reason there is no excuse for child or animal abuse.
Lately, my desire and need to write about my own child sexual abuse and molestation has been replaced by a much higher desire and need I have regarding animal abuse.

I can only wallow in my own pain and anguish for a little while over my childhood sexual abuse and then I must break free from the prison walls that encapsulate my heart. My need to fight child abuse and animal abuse is so much stronger and the driving force within me will not stop.
Some people call me damaged. Some people say I'm neurotic. Some people say I'm crazy. Some people say I'm depressed. Those are the people who are shut out of my life and I want nothing to do with ever again.

But, I will tell you the real me.  I am not crazy. I know exactly what I am doing and how I will do it. I am not neurotic. I am passionate and take action. I am not afraid to go against the grain and be different from everyone else. In fact there is not one other person I would like to be besides me.
In fact I don't even know another person who has the strength and drive to keep moving forward in life to stop  animal abuse and child abuse like I do.

I am not afraid to speak up for what I believe. I have already chosen my path in life and it excludes many people. I do not care.  In fact someone has to have the strength to fight for what is right. There are too many cowards afraid to open their mouths and go against the grain of others.  Those people are weak in my eyes and I have no respect for anyone who sits back while a child or animal is abused.

I have even less tolerance for those sick monsters that sexually abuse children and animals. Pedophiles and animal abusers should suffer at great lengths in a life of pain. You will never get sympathy or mercy from me regarding anyone who molests a child, sexually abuses a child, sexually abuses an animal or harms a child or animal in any way.

Call me angry. Call me obsessed. Call me neurotic. Call me whatever you want.BfjitDBCQAEAiIw
I am driven to change what has long needed to be changed in this world.  I have lived through child sexual abuse.  I have lived through seeing animals tortured and killed and forced to partake in those sick activities. I was forced into child pornography at the hands of a sick pedophile. This sick pedophile was also an animal abuser who killed and tortured animals. I have lived through rape.   I have survived more things in my life than most people will ever see in 12 lifetimes.

Call me angry. Call me obsessed. Call me neurotic. Call me whatever you want. But do not ever call me a coward. I will stand up to anyone and anything when it comes to protecting the innocent from the vultures walking around acting like doves.

I have no mercy and I have no forgiveness. There is no place on this planet for pedophiles or sexual child abusers.

You sick grown men who molest  and sexually abuse children and keep the supply and demand for child pornography high are sick mother f*ckers. I know, I lived with a sick pedophile child molester for six years as a small child.  I understand the lifelong pain you cause the child you sexually abuse. I am living proof that a child never forgets.


Animal Abuse Speaking For The Voiceless Against Idiots

I watched a video on YouTube the other day about a man who killed his pet cat, skinned it alive and then put it in the oven to bake it with onions.

The comments from the idiots who commented were amazing.  But what was more amazing is how illiterate and uneducated these people responding are.
90 % of the people responding could not understand what was the big deal about killing and skinning a pet cat and then trying to eat it.

For the most part I keep my mouth shut and just shake my head but this particular day the idiot meter was just way to high for me to avoid.

The people commenting sounded like a bunch of inbred rednecks married to their own moms.  This is how stupid and uneducated these people were who were commenting.

I speak for the voiceless.  I am against animal abuse of any kind.  I will never shut up and I will never look the other way when an animal is being abused.  No one and nothing will ever stop me.

Animal abuse must be stopped.  But, I realized some people are just plain ass stupid and will never get it.  Hopefully, some day they will fall into a hole and disappear but I know it is wishful thinking on my part there.

I will fight all animal abuse forever.  I speak for the voiceless when no one else will. I also hate sharing this earth with complete dumb asses, but I have not choice there either.
Animal abuse is wrong and needs  to stop.  Humans are not superior beings above everything else on this planet and the ones who think they are need to be hammered into the ground.


Blogging For Money

You can make money blogging.  It takes a lot of hard work and perseverance to be successful at blogging.
When I first started blogging a little over two years ago my very first check from AdSense was for $7.47.  It might not seem like a lot because it wasn't. What was important is the fact I made the $7.47 by blogging and writing about the things I love.
I have steadily increased my monthly checks from AdSense by continuously blogging and not giving up.  never giving up is the key to success when it comes to blogging.
When I first started blogging I did not really expect or try to make money.  In fact I had originally started with blogger and wrote about how miserable it was dating after divorce. At that time I did not realize people would be interested in reading all my horrible drama about the dates I had had and the many insecure stalkers and needy men I had encountered.
Blogger was a great place for me to start blogging.  I just stumbled upon it one day as I was searching Google online for some place to write and tell my story.  Never in my wildest dreams when I started blogging on blogger and signed up for Google AdSense did I ever think I would make a cent. In fact I really thought the whole blogging idea was a scam and a bunch of BS but I did it anyway.  After all it was free and easy to use.  I had nothing to lose by signing up for Google AdSense or blogging on blogger.
There are many opportunities for talented people who like to write and blog about their writings. Google blogger is a good place to start and it is free. Google blogger is where I started my very first blog about dating after divorce.
I currently have a few blogs and the more I write the more people read. You have to start somewhere so you might as well start here right now.