Saturday, February 8, 2014

Animal Abuse Speaking For The Voiceless Against Idiots

I watched a video on YouTube the other day about a man who killed his pet cat, skinned it alive and then put it in the oven to bake it with onions.

The comments from the idiots who commented were amazing.  But what was more amazing is how illiterate and uneducated these people responding are.
90 % of the people responding could not understand what was the big deal about killing and skinning a pet cat and then trying to eat it.

For the most part I keep my mouth shut and just shake my head but this particular day the idiot meter was just way to high for me to avoid.

The people commenting sounded like a bunch of inbred rednecks married to their own moms.  This is how stupid and uneducated these people were who were commenting.

I speak for the voiceless.  I am against animal abuse of any kind.  I will never shut up and I will never look the other way when an animal is being abused.  No one and nothing will ever stop me.

Animal abuse must be stopped.  But, I realized some people are just plain ass stupid and will never get it.  Hopefully, some day they will fall into a hole and disappear but I know it is wishful thinking on my part there.

I will fight all animal abuse forever.  I speak for the voiceless when no one else will. I also hate sharing this earth with complete dumb asses, but I have not choice there either.
Animal abuse is wrong and needs  to stop.  Humans are not superior beings above everything else on this planet and the ones who think they are need to be hammered into the ground.


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