Saturday, February 15, 2014

Irritated By Animal Ignorance Today Over The Killing Of Marius

Irritated by animal ignorance today.
Nothing can get me pissed, give me anxiety or give me irritation more than reading about senseless dumb humans killing innocent animals for pleasure or just because they can.
I can be completely calm and thinking clearly and straight and then I see or hear about an innocent animal being killed or slaughtered and I get set off like a mad bomb. I just don't understand the point behind killing innocent animals for pleasure.
As far as I am concerned any human who purposely hurts or kills animals is just a piece of shit scum bag and deserves any anger or retaliation animal lovers give them.
How is it people are so divided on animal abuse and animal welfare? Why would someone think it is ok to kill an animal for fun?
Killing or abusing animals is just wrong.  How can people not see this?  Why is it the human thinks he is above and beyond any other living creature on this planet? Why is it the human thinks animals should have no animals rights?
I just read where another zoo wants to kill a giraffe like the young giraffe Marius was killed at Copenhagen zoo. How can killing a young giraffe like Marius at the Copenhagen zoo be justified? Do these people realize the anger they caused by killing the young giraffe Marius at the Copenhagen zoo? It really hurt my heart but more importantly is the Copenhagen zoo killed Marius the giraffe when there were people who wanted to save him from death.
Will animals ever really have solid animals rights in this world?
The Copenhagen zoo is getting backlash over the killing of Marius the giraffe, as well they should. Trying to justify why they killed Marius the Giraffe instead of letting him live somewhere else will never be justified except by the killer and killers who killed him.
Also, WTF were the parents thinking that let their children watch this slaughter of Marius the giraffe at the Copenhagen zoo? They have to be crappy ignorant inbred dumb asses to think it is ok to let a child see a young animal slaughtered and then cut up. What ever happened to teaching children love and about good animal welfare and not slaughtering and killing animals just because they can?
I have so many questions about animal welfare and animal rights right now I can't even think straight.  I am pissed off that Marius the giraffe was killed in the first place and even more pissed people actually watched it happen with children present.  Killing animals is not ok. What the Copenhagen zoo did is not ok.
The people who care and understand animals and the beauty they have on this planet earth must keep fighting for animal rights. Animals depend on those of us who have a voice against animal abuse and are not afraid to use our voice.  Animal abuse is wrong. Animals deserve to be on this planet, and not just to serve F*cked up mankind's morbid mental illness.
I will never understand animal abuse by humans and the need for the human to kill everything and anything they can get their hands on.

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